Jesus Radicals Blog 2005-2017
By: Rev. Dr. Jarrod Cochran "So, you're voting for Trump?" This is the question that I am inevitably met with whenever I discuss my concerns and qualms over Hillary Clinton's track record with war-making, Wall Street, and neoliberal policy. How did raising concerns over one candidate automatically mean that I'm on another candidate's "team"? We've boiled down our electoral choices to soda options? If you don't like Pepsi, you must like Coca-Cola. You're either with us or against us. If you vote for the opposing team, the terrorists win. Not only does this binary view of politics betray our humanity and force us into continual compromises—voting for the lesser of two evils. It also rejects our understanding of the world as followers of Jesus and his radical message. Back in the early 2000’s, I was a pretty big deal in liberal and progressive Christian circles. I don’t say this to brag, as I am pretty sure that’s how it just came across, but illustrate a point. During that time, I helped to lay the groundwork for the progressive Christian revitalization that occurred during George W. Bush’s time in office. I worked for and with organizations like CrossLeft, Sojourners, Social Redemption, Tikkun, and the Progressive Christian Alliance. These organizations worked to speak of a different aspect of Christianity, one which offered an alternative to conservative, right-wing Christianity—what came to be known as the Religious Right.
Jesus Radicals co-organizer Nekeisha was recently interviewed by Shane Blackshear on Missio Alliance's podcast "Seminary Dropout" about the ethics of choosing not to vote. Listen to the full interview here. |
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October 2017