Rock! Paper! Scissors!
Tools for anarchist + Christian thought and action
Vol 1. No. 1
The Movement Makes Us Human
The Movement Makes Us Human
Editor: Joanna Shenk
5/2/2018 Comments IntroductionBy: Joanna Shenk
Now is the time to be human and join with all our creaturely family in the dance of liberation.
By: Ric Hudgens
A look at Harding’s spirituality--focused on reaching out, rootedness, and wrestling--and how it was influenced by Howard Thurman and Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. 4/30/2018 Comments Most Days, Some Days, and Today4/29/2018 Comments White Terror: The Body of this DeathBy: David Brazil
A call to Christians to know the difference between those in this world who are nailing people to crosses, and those who are being nailed, and to stand unapologetically with the latter. 4/28/2018 Comments Witnessing to Healing as LiberationBy: Jonathan Brenneman
A story of nonviolent resistance, solidarity, and transformation in occupied Palestine. Sermon delivered at Fellowship of Hope Mennonite Church in Elkhart, Indiana, April 15, 2018. 4/27/2018 Comments Simply Living for Long Haul LoveBy: Lydia Wylie-Kellerman
An exploration of how simple living, by itself insufficient, can be a catalyst for justice when coupled with systemic analyses and relationships across lines of difference. 4/26/2018 Comments They Try to Call Me JesusBy: Joshua Kinder
One teacher’s wrestling with what is means to create a classroom where justice and love can flourish. 4/25/2018 Comments Love YourselfBy: Regina Shands Stolzfus
One important part of undoing the inhumanity in our world to deeply love ourselves. By: J. Amos Caley
Recognizing the demon-possession of racism and white supremacy that exists in our individual and collective bodies in the United States, and claiming the power of God to cast them out. 4/23/2018 Comments Becoming Human at the TableBy: Sarah Lynne Gershon
Reflections on what it takes to be a guest at the banquet laid in the kingdom of God. By: Yann Larrieu
A testimony of the transformation that’s possible when people move from charity to solidarity. |
About the journalRock! Paper! Scissors! is a topic-focused, web-publication exploring issues from anarchist, radical Christian and other anti-oppression perspectives. To find out more, read the introductory piece, "What's in a name?" Current issuePast issues |