![]() In this episode, we (Sarah Lynne Anderson and Mark Van Steenwyk) continue our interview Dakota scholar Waziyatawin. Be sure to check outpart one. In this part of the interview, we continue to grapple with how Christianity needs to come to terms with its imperial history. We need to repent with more than just words. Our ecclesial bodies (especially denominations with land holdings) may want to ask themselves “what does justice look like?” We know that, until this podcast, most of you have never heard of Waziyatawin…but this interview raises more questions (in a starkly eloquent way) than any interview with a high-profile Christian provocateur. Please take the time to listen–we promise that it will mess with your head in amazing ways. You might be interested in a series that has developed as a response to the challenges Waz issues to Christians in the interview: Christianity is Empire. That series will engage the imperial nature of historic Christianity and seek, we hope, to offer a chastened, faithful, alternative. Waziyatawin is a Wahpetunwan Dakota from the Pezihutazizi Otunwe (Yellow Medicine Village) in southwestern Minnesota. Waz currently holds the Indigenous Peoples Research Chair in the Indigenous Governance Program at the University of Victoria (British Columbia). Her interests include projects centering on Indigenous decolonization strategies such as truth-telling and reparative justice, Indigenous women and resistance, the recovery of Indigenous knowledge, and the development of liberation ideology in Indigenous communities. She is the author or editor of: Remember This!: Dakota Decolonization and the Eli Taylor Narratives, Indigenizing the Academy: Transforming Scholarship and Empowering Communities, For Indigenous Eyes Only: A Decolonization Handbook,In the Footsteps of Our Ancestors: The Dakota Commemorative Marches of the 21st Century, and What Does Justice Look Like? The Struggle for Liberation in Dakota Homeland.
AboutThe Iconocast is a collective project of a handful of radical practitioners, separated by thousands of miles, each exploring the way of Jesus in the Empire. Usually, episodes follow an interview format. We don’t always interview Christians or anarchists. Rather, we interview those who we believe have some wisdom to share for those who are exploring the intersection of Christianity and anarchism. Archivesep. 74: L.M. Bogad
ep. 73: Sarah Pritchard & David Brazil ep. 72: Chude Allen, part 2 ep. 71: Chude Allen, part 1 ep. 70: Beth Roy ep: 69: Carol Lee & Sarah Lee ep.68: David Solnit ep. 67: Elaine Enns & Ched Myers on Audre Lorde ep. 66: Elaine Enns, Ched Myers and "Beyond Vietnam" ep. 65: Father Richard Smith ep. 64: Zephyr Elise ep. 63: Clayborne Carson ep. 62: Chris Carlsson ep. 61: Sara Miles ep. 60: Ellen Dahlke & Rick Ayers ep. 59: Dalit Baum ep. 58: Corrina Gould ep. 57: Kazu Haga ep. 56: Paul Kivel ep. 55: Lynice Pinkard & Nichola Torbett ep. 54: Joerg Rieger ep. 53: Bill Ayers ep. 52: Micky Jones ep. 51: Sandhya Rani Jha ep. 50: Willie Baptist ep. 49: Thomas Gokey ep. 48: Anthony Nocella ep. 47: Mark VanSteenwyk ep. 46: Vincent Harding ep. 45: Mary and Peter . . . ep. 44: Noam Chomsky ep. 43: Jin S. Kim ep. 42: Ashanti Alston . . . ep. 41: Shannon Kearns ep. 40: Richard Beck ep. 39: Starhawk ep. 38: Calenthia Dowdy ep. 37: Robert Ellsberg ep. 36: Bruce Levine ep. 35: Bob Ekblad (part 2) ep. 34: Bob Ekblad (part 1) ep. 33: Alexia Salvaterria ep. 32: Seth Donnovan ep. 31: Goshen and . . . ep. 30: James H. Cone ep. 29: Joyce Hollyday ep. 28: Jonathan Moyer ep. 27: Carolyn Griffeth . . . ep. 26: Eda Uca ep. 25: Ed Loring ep. 24: Murphy Davis ep. 23: Ragan Sutterfield ep. 22: An Hour on Power ep. 21: Fr. Richard Rohr ep. 20: Fr. John Dear S.J. ep. 19: Anton Flores ep. 18: Becky Garrison ep. 17: Stanley Hauerwas ep. 16: Rita Nakashima Brock ep. 15: Cornel West ep. 14: Onelilove Alston ep. 13: Carol Rose ep. 12: Seth Martin ep. 11: Gender, Sexism . . . ep. 10: Richard Horsely ep, 09: Brian McLaren ep. 08: Wes Howard-Brook ep. 07: Mary Jo Leddy ep. 06: Jim Douglass (part 2) ep. 05: Jim Douglass (part 1) ep. 04: Waziyatawin (part 2) ep. 03: Waziyatawin (part 1) ep. 02: Ched Myers ep. 01: Nekeisha Alexis |